architect portfolio

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Hoog Catharijne
M1 Kartal
OS House
résumé + extended portfolio


2021, on-going proposal

The exploration of a unique blending of retail, work, learning and residential neighbourhoods in an urban design context. Inspired by the 13th century Southwestern France planning principles, potential areas are repurposed to create new high density live/work/learn communities. The test site, Schieoevers Noord, has recently been the subject of a master plan to convert an industrial area into a live-work community. Using this as a guide, Neo-Village Delft was initiated.

Hoog Catharijne

2017, built

This facade or “art wall” is one of the many designs executed throughout the construction of Hoog Catharijne. The wall is made of BIM generated aluminium panels. The facade, situated in a sky opening in the bike tunnel, opens up the existing Hoog Catharijne retail center to its dynamic urban setting, connecting the train station and the convention center to the historic square.

M1 Kartal

2018, built

Renovation and enhancement of a 30000 sqm shopping center and its landscape that, surrounded by several residential developments, is aiming to serve as a neighbourhood hub. The tasks within this project included developing the design, building BIM documentation and co-managing concept and schematic design phases.

OS House

2010, competition entry

A housing project designed using local materials with the idea of giving the users a route to follow in the development of their own house for their expanding families.

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